"I Am Worthy"

Flagship Group Program

Heal Societal Conditioning & The Impact of Abuse

Join an Aligned, Diverse Community of Women

Experience a Layered Impact Across Your Life

Designed with Low Time & Price Commitment

It's Time to Remember Who You Really Are

We are not meant for unworthiness, isolation & self-hatred

We are meant for joy, meaning, power, and purpose

Join "I Am Worthy"✨

Join us for a 4-month group coaching program, where we'll uncover all the ways you've been socialized to remain small, silent, and self-betraying... and how to reclaim a feeling of deep worthiness, joy, badassery, & self-love.

We’re going to remind you who you REALLY are

Not who you were taught you are by individual & systemic gaslighting, or who you became to survive hardship & an unsustainably competitive landscape. We’re going to confront it and then we're going to pull it out, root and stem.

And then we're going to help you build a new foundation for the next chapter of your life - marked by bravery, authenticity, & integrity - for you and the whole world.

Education & Healing

Understand how & why you've been trained to be small, silent, and second-guessing yourself by individuals & by society, and what to do about it.


Join a diverse community of female-identified warriors with shared values and a shared drive for personal and collective change.

Life Impact

You're going to experience impact across your whole life, starting from the inside-out. From more worthiness, to more opportunities.

Doable Commitment

The vast majority are stressed & financially insecure right now, for the same reasons that keep us small & silent; Astekah was built for that.

Who is this for?

You're ready to confront what keeps you small, stressed, silent, & second-guessing yourself

"I Am Worthy" is for women who have been playing small and silent their whole lives, and can't anymore. Their desire to just BE THEMSELVES is too strong. They're ready to confront what must crumble for the new to be built and born within them.

You want to be part of a diverse community of powerful, healing, self-committed, badass women

The level of isolation on the planet right now is artificial and extremely harmful. It prevents us from changing anything substantively, within ourselves or our communities. "I Am Worthy" is for those who know this deeply and seek aligned community.

You're concerned about your community & the world, & you want to take action

You see what's happening. You see the power-tripping, the gaslighting, & the unsustainable norms that dictate how we work, love, and live. You see the veil thinning of what we were told versus what is. And you want to do something about it. Quickly. You know that we must.

What the world needs is more people confronting the ways we've been conditioned to deaden and betray ourselves.

What the world needs is more people who feel WORTHY, LOVEABLE, and ALIVE.

What's Included

Four months of digestible, structured, group-based support with the goal of helping you uncover the ways you've been socialized to remain invisible, confused, and self-betraying, and to heal the impact its caused in your life - body, mind, and soul.

All at the pace of about 1 hour a week. 

One hour of a live weekly workshop + One 15-min exercise for the week. 

The live workshops include education & guided visual journeys/meditations. 

The weekly exercises include meditations and workbook exercises.

Live Virtual Weekly Workshops

Recommended Weekly Exercises

Live Community & Group Coaching Gatherings

Because of the very same conditions that we're going to confront and change, everyone's insanely stressed and busy right now. It's how we're kept from making lasting changes. 

So I know you don't have a surplus of time or energy. 

We're going to work with rather than against that. 

The program is focused on gathering us together once per week for one hour, with a short 15-min exercise for the week, to complete in between. That's it.

This world was made for more than unhealthy egos ruling our lives.

And you were made for more than simply following them & the norms they set.

Program Overview

Module 0: Orientation

Module 1: Why You Feel Unworthy & Overwhelmed

Module 2: Reconnecting Back to Your True Self

Module 3: Building a New Life On a Better Foundation

Module 4:  Breaking Patterns & Cycles of Self-Hate

"In this life many demolitions are actually renovations" ~ Rumi

Let the demolitions begin :)


The next program is expected to be priced at $60/month, with discounted 1-1 coaching.

This is intentionally priced low, not to mirror the quality, but to act as a low barrier to change.

When Does Enrollment Open?

"I Am Worthy" is set to re-open in the Fall 2024

Get ready for a different type of revolution. 

One powered by your wholeness, your full power, your intuition *and* your critical thinking. Your remembrance of who TF you really are and where you really come from. They were counting on us to forget. We will remember.



Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this page by Jennifer Marquez, Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 and Katarzyna Grabowska, and Trust "Tru" Katsande on Unsplash