
Podcast Interview: Escaping a Covert Narcissist

July 9, 2024

The mission of Breaking Bias podcast is to ignite conversations that fuel change, understanding, and inclusivity. Here, I talked with Heather, the wonderful host, about my experience growing up in the hood to an immigrant family, and later escaping from a covert narcissist.

Podcast Interview: Heal from Trauma and Find Yourself Again

June 18, 2024

Soul Inspired with Joe Borowsky is a podcast hosted by award winning Singer Songwriter & Coach Joe Borowsky. In this episode, we talk about traumatic moments in my life that lead to disassociation and a feeling of losing myself, and the steps I took to heal & recover.

Podcast Interview: Life as a Game: Reclaiming Identity with Amparo Vazquez

June 14, 2024

I recently had the honor of being interviewed by "Life is the Game" and had a great time with the host, Alex. 

Her podcast is so unique. It blends self-help with video games. So fun & creative. We talked about games, trauma, and personal growth. 

Check it out!

E-Magazine Interview: From Burnout to Balance: The Role of Self-Care

June 14, 2024

I recently had the pleasure of being featured on Bold Journey, an online magazine, about my path to become the founder of Astekah as well as my perspective on self-care. TLDR: Self-care is a BFD & revolutionary.

Podcast Interview: Kicking Unhealthy Relationships to the Curb

June 4, 2024

My latest podcast interview (with the wonderful Stephanie McPhail), talking about narc abuse and answering often-asked questions like, "why do people stay in abuse?". The answer is very complicated. 

Be Radically In Love With Yourself

May 26, 2024

One of my favorite things is helping clients (and friends and strangers and everyone) understand how radical self-love truly is.

It goes far, far, far beyond writing an affirmation or two. 

Check out this short post.

Podcast Interview: From Powerless To Empowered

May 13, 2024

I recently had the honor of being a guest on "Ride or Die: From Teens to Prosecco Queens"' to speak about my experience surviving and healing from covert narcissistic abuse. 

It was a great convo between two survivors.

The Wounded Warrior

May 7, 2024

Within many women's journey lies the path of the wounded warrior—a journey marked by resilience, transformation, and the unique challenges faced by women - particularly women from more marginalized backgrounds.

Check out this short post.

Podcast Interview: You Are Worthy

May 6, 2024

I recently had the honor of being a guest on the "Personal Development Trailblazers" Podcast, where we explored the journey of surviving trauma and moving into healing. Join me as I share insights on overcoming challenges, reclaiming worthiness, and embracing joy in the face of adversity.

Nurturing Yourself Through Tough Times

April 29, 2024

Learn how to navigate tough times with grace by practicing self-kindness. Prioritize self-care, practice self-compassion, and cultivate gratitude to nurture your well-being through life's challenges.

Check out this short post.

Podcast Interview: Reclaiming Worthiness & Finding Joy 

April 15, 2024

Tune in to my recent podcast interview on KAJ Masterclass LIVE, where I discuss reclaiming worthiness and finding joy after overcoming severe hardships. Gain insights into overcoming challenges, redefining self-worth, and embarking on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Embracing Your Role as a Heart-Driven Leader in a World in Crisis

April 12, 2024

Amidst the chaos of a world in turmoil, a call to arms echoes—a call for a new breed of leadership, one that embraces the challenge of transformation. It's a call for individuals like you, possessing the courage and determination to challenge oppressive systems and norms, and usher in a brighter Earth.

The Urgent Need for Women to Awaken to Their Worthiness

April 9, 2024

In a world plagued by injustice, the urgent need for women to awaken to their inherent worthiness arises as a powerful catalyst for global transformation.

Your Joy is Revolutionary

April 4, 2024

Learn how embracing joy as a revolutionary act can ignite personal transformation and spark positive collective change. 

Podcast Interview: Breaking the Cycle of Self-Doubt and Finding Inner Safety

March 28, 2024

I had the opportunity to be featured on the World Changemaker podcast, where we talked about personal growth, resilience, and creating positive change in the world. 

Podcast Interview: Journaling as a Spiritual Practice

March 27, 2024

I had the privilege of joining Austin from Millionaires R Made for an insightful panel discussion about journaling as a spiritual practice. Join us as we explore the transformative power of journaling, its role in personal growth and self-discovery, and how it can deepen our spiritual connection.
